THL-VYT300C Handset Controller for LDC401(A) Cleavers, LDC450B Portable Cleaver, PTR30x(B) and PTR40x(B) Recoaters, and PTR30x Proof Testers
THL-VYT300C Handset Controller for LDC401(A) Cleavers, LDC450B Portable Cleaver, PTR30x(B) and PTR40x(B) Recoaters, and PTR30x Proof Testers
- Replacement for Included Controller
- Provides Full Functionality for Compatible Systems (See Compatible Systems List to the Right)
- Intuitive GUI
- Capacitive Touchscreen
This handset controller is available as an replacement for the included controller. A single handset controller can be used with multiple systems; after configuring parameters to one fiber processing unit, the controller can be disconnected and then connected to a different unit, of the same or a different type, to configure its parameters.